Here is a photo of my most recent yarn purchase. I thought I was buying a wool and silk blend only to find , away from the intoxication of all that beautiful colored fiber in one place, that my new yarn is silk with a baby bit of seashells. Here is where the need to pay attention part really comes in, it was twice the price I thought it was. How, you ask, could that happen ? It happens when you are distracted by a great scarf pin at register (that you must have) . It also helps to really check the price , not assume because it is near the sock yarn that it is a silk blend with wool.
Now despite the sticker shock, I am excited about this new project of working with silk and making a lacy shawl, which I have never done before. The really nice thing is it will be a summer weight project and it will probably take me that long to get it done. Plus, I have friends in warm places.
The pattern that came along with the yarn looks very nice . I checked it out on Ravelry and the projects posted there with this pattern and yarn were beautiful.